Private & Semi-Private Lessons
Director: $75/hour
Assistant Pros: $50/hour
All passes will begin on 10/1and end on 9/31 of each calendar year. Passes purchased mid-year will be pro-rated.
Social Play
Singles play 1 hour - $6 per person
Doubles play 1.5 hours - $8 per person
Court Use Policy
All players must report at the Bitsy Grant front desk to confirm their court reservations. They will be required to remit payment or show pass before commencing play. Patrons may book courts up to 72 hours in advance. Those patrons not canceling courts 24 hours in advance may lose booking privileges.
Adults participating in lessons, clinics, or leagues are required to remit payment before commencing play. A 24-hour cancellation notice for programs that require pre-registration.
Frank Thompson, Director of Platform Tennis, is an APTA certified instructor with over 25 years of experience in teaching tennis and platform tennis. Prior to coming to Bitsy Grant, Frank ran the Paddle Program at Cherokee Town Club. Frank can be contacted at